인터넷 전입신고 Internet transfer report

How to report online transfer

1. Access the Civil Service 24 site

인터넷 전입신고

What address do I need to connect to to register online?

You can easily access it by entering “report of moving in” in Naver or Daum search bar.

The first method: Apply for a civil complaint through Naver or Daum 인터넷 전입신고

– Just type “report of moving in” in the Naver search bar and click the “Apply for civil complaint” button in the search results.

– Enter “report of moving in” in the next search box, and click the “report of moving in” or “apply online” button in the search results.

Second method: Direct access to Minwon 24 website (http://www.minwon.go.kr/)

– Select “Report of Transfer” on the screen below!!!

2. Select “Apply” on the screen below!!! 좋은뉴스

3. In order to transfer to the Internet, you need to register as a member and log in.

4. Check that you have read the precautions for Internet transfer notification, and select Apply.

5. In the process of Internet transfer report, if necessary, a confirmation window for accredited certificate will appear.

6. Fill out the 1st step of the moving-in report: Select moving-in / moving-out

7. Fill out the second step of the move-in report

8. Fill out the 3rd step of the move-in report

[Caution] If the number of people moving in is more than one, you must select the number of people who are moving in by clicking the household origin information inquiry selection button.

Mail transfer service and elementary school assignment information are provided.

9. A confirmation window will appear as shown in the following gram. Select “OK”!!

10. You are automatically moved to the page where you can check the application details.

It is nice to be able to apply for a transfer through the Internet relatively easily.