영문주소 변환 English address conversion

There are times when it is necessary to change a Korean address to an English address. It is difficult to check the correct spelling of each region name, and sometimes the order of writing addresses is confusing.

영문주소 변환

You can easily change Korean addresses to English addresses by using Naver’s <English Address Converter>. You can check the English address by entering the lot number or street name of the address you want to change. 영문주소 변환

Enter the Korean lot address (dong/eup/myeon/ri) you want to convert in the lot/road name field or enter the new address, the road name. I entered Yangjae-dong.

▶ Naver English address conversion 좋은뉴스

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The English address is converted along with the Korean address. You can use it as is. In addition, the English address is provided along with the Korean address in the street name address guide system and post office zip code search.


You can easily convert Korean addresses to English addresses. For reference, the apartment building and number is written first, and it is indicated as 101-1001 or 101-dong 1001-ho.


Rows and villas use the lake first. Floors are marked with F or cheung, and basements are marked with B. The first recipient, Dongho, Dong/eup/myeon/ri, city/province, etc. is the order of address in English.