신한카드 비밀번호 오류 [Namane Card] How to clear password error when registering with Facebook app

Do you use Shinhan Card a lot? However, if you do not use it for too long, it is easy to lose your password. It seems that there are still people who think that if they lose their bank-related password, they have to go to the bank first.
Today, we will look at how to solve Shinhan Card password error without going to the bank.
First of all, you need a smartphone. Non-smartphone 2g phones cannot solve the impossible password error.
The preparations for solving the Shinhan Card password error are a smartphone and the Shinhan Pay FAN application.
Access the Shinhan Paypan app and log in. Login can be set in various ways such as fingerprint, iris, and password. After that, go to Customer Center > Manage My Information, and there is a menu to solve password errors. 신한카드 비밀번호 오류
I hope everything goes well and I’m done with this post.[‘

신한카드 비밀번호 오류

These days, public certificates and various types of pay have become common, so there was no need to pay directly with a card. So, to use the card, I took it out and entered it, but I couldn’t remember the password because I had been using it for a long time. When I tried to solve it with mobile, I logged in with a PC because there was no official certificate installed on my smartphone, but the text message said that I can proceed immediately by installing the mobile app.
How to cancel excessive password error on Shinhan Card website 이베이스매뉴얼
▲ Access the Shinhan Card website. After logging in, click My Page in the upper left corner.
▲ Click My Page – Manage My Information – Clear Card Password Error, Clear Unique Verification Number Error – Clear Card Password Error to enter.
▲ When you enter, you must authenticate yourself separately from login authentication. I will check it through the accredited certificate authentication.
▲ You can check if you can select a card when you enter through authentication. If there is a Y on the right, it can be released. If you cancel once within 30 days, you can cancel it only by calling the customer center or through a Shinhan Bank branch. I think it’s possible because I don’t have a history of canceling it within 30 days. Select the card and click Clear Error.
▲ Upon entering after authentication, proceed from STEP1 to STEP3 to clear the card password error. The first is to enter the verification code by entering the mobile phone number.
▲ Second, enter the 3 digit card identification number on the back of the card and click Next shown below to proceed to the next step.
▲ Finally, the card password error cancellation has been successfully processed. It will be canceled with a message. If the card is suspended due to an incorrect password again within 30 days after that, you will have to visit a branch or call the customer center to unlock it.