누구나 돌봄 서비스 신청방법 Yongin City anyone care business, business details, application qualifications and application method

누구나 돌봄 서비스 신청방법The Yongin City Everyone Care Project is a social welfare project that provides a variety of services to people in need of care, and is designed for people who have been excluded from the existing system or are in urgent need of care. Today, we will learn about the details of the Anyone Care Project, eligibility requirements, and application methods.

Yongin City Anyone Care Project supports the following five major care services within the limit of 1.5 million won per person per year.

Anyone in Yongin City must meet all three conditions below to apply for a care project.

The cost of support for anyone’s care project in Yongin City is applied differently depending on the standard median income.

Find the competent administrative welfare center

Above, we have informed you about Yongin City’s anyone-care project. I hope this project will help those in need of care.
thank you

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누구나 돌봄 서비스 신청방법
