크린토피아 영업시간 Cleantopia business hours

Check Cleantopia business hours and prices


If you have a lot of company work or a job that is time-consuming, there are many times when you collect and use the laundry at once rather than washing at home. I have a Cleantopia nearby, so I use it often. Especially, I use it comfortably when I need to wash sneakers or blankets.

크린토피아 영업시간

Today, I would like to find out the business hours and prices of Cleantopia. There are many discounts and coupons, so if you use Cleantopia rather than a regular laundromat, it would be better to find out the location and business hours of the nearest place. If you use a service that you use frequently, you can receive benefits in many ways if you use one place regularly. 크린토피아 영업시간

Cleantopia business hours
Usually, it is from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm on weekdays, and from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on weekends. 좋은뉴스


First of all, if you search for Cleantopia on the portal, you can see a screen like the one above. Do not go to the homepage here, but click Find Store.

This is the screen you moved to by clicking Find Store. If you search for the neighborhood where you live in the search box, the search results will appear all the way down.

If you click the address of the desired place in the search results that appear, you can see detailed information such as phone number, business hours, and location information. The Bundang Jeongja-A branch is open from 9:30 am to 8:00 am on weekdays and from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on weekends. As such, the business hours of Cleantopia may vary depending on the region, so if you are uncertain about the hours before visiting, it would be a good idea to search.

Cleantopia Price List

It is basically a price list of shirts, men’s shirts, suits, blouses, skirts, etc. that are often used. The regular rate and the royal rate are different, and the price of the service seems to vary depending on the method.

Next is the price list for jumpers, coats, sweaters/cardigans, T-shirts, and vests. Jumpers, coats, sweaters, and cardigans are a bit difficult to wash in a regular washing machine.

This is the price list for pants, school uniforms, sportswear, and outdoor wear. Prices are listed in detail for each category. Outdoor is characterized by no royal fee.

This is the difference between the royal fare and the regular fare. It would be better to use a higher quality service than regular laundry for expensive clothes.

These are a bit difficult to do with the regular washing machine that I use the most. If you run a bag or hat in a regular washing machine, it will get wrinkled and can’t be restored. I think it would be better to just take it to the laundromat.

This is a Cleantopia discount benefit. 7% discount on every Wednesday, 30% discount on bedding laundry on Wednesday/Saturday, and 20% discount on birthdays and wedding anniversaries. This discount system is a gift from the user’s point of view.

This is an accumulation service provided by Cleantopia. One stamp is paid for every 5,000 won of laundry, and if you collect 12 stamps, you can get a 3,000 won laundry coupon. Please check your receipt carefully.

So far, we have looked at the business hours and laundry prices of Cleantopia. For those who use laundromats a lot, there are discount benefits and accumulation services, so it would be nice to use them. Then have a nice day today too. See you next time with more useful information.