신한카드 해지 How to cancel Shinhan Card in Shinhan Play app

I usually use credit cards rather than cash. Because it is easy to carry and easy to use. If you use a card like this, you may not know when and how much money you have spent, and since it does not disappear like bills in your wallet, you may overspend without realizing it.

So, many people use text notification services and receive text messages whenever they use a card. But the fact that this is also going out with money! I chose to pay with points in the beginning, and I didn’t know because there were always points. Recently, I noticed that the usage fee for the card usage notification service is stamped on the billing statement. These days, it is practically unnecessary because the Shinhan Play app gives a push notification of usage history. So I’ll try to cancel it. 신한카드 해지

신한카드 해지

How to cancel Shinhan Card notification service 이베이스매뉴얼

At first, I called the Shinhan Card Customer Center to cancel the Shinhan Card notification service. But they say it takes more than an hour to connect. When I called again at 5:30, a message came up telling me to call next week after work time. So I gave up on the phone and turned on the Shinhan Play app.
In the upper right corner, there is a magnifying glass icon. Click here to search for card usage notification service.

Then, move to the Shinhan Card card usage notification service. If you look at the bottom, you can see that the text message is being used for 200 won. for termination
Click the Change/Cancel button above. That is, the card used for the service, the method of receiving it, etc. are displayed. At the bottom, you will see a button to cancel or change. Change means to change the information that can be received while using the service as it is, right? We press cancel.

When I click cancel, it still doesn’t cancel easily. You must verify your identity. Obviously, I logged in with my ID, but I have to verify my phone identity again. In any case, after completing the identity verification, click the Cancel Complete button at the bottom.

It then asks if you want to cancel the Shinhan Card notification service again. The road to the end of the year is also difficult. Click here to cancel.
Then the notification service is canceled. After a while, you will be notified by text message that it has been cancelled.

Actually, 200 won is not a lot of money, and it may be something you can spend without worrying about it. But I have to stop the little money from leaking, and it will accumulate more for me. Aren’t you incurring additional charges while using the card company’s text notification service? We recommend that you check it out and cancel it if you think it is unnecessary. Even if you don’t receive a text message, you get notifications from the app!