NH농협 입출금통장 개설 How to open an All-One Bank account: Create a non-face-to-face bank account in Nonghyup

NH농협 입출금통장 개설


All One Bank is a bank app created by NH Financial Group.There are many people around me who use it.

It also supports the opening of non-face-to-face accounts in Nonghyup accounts.In the COVID-19 era, it can be opened with a smartphone without visiting a bank.The demand for non-face-to-face account opening is increasing.It is designed so that even the elderly can make it easily. It’s open 24 hours a day!Today, we will find out about the opening of a non-face-to-face account of Nonghyup through All One Bank.

nh농협 입출금통장 개설


Agricultural Cooperative Federation’s non-face-to-face account opening
All One Bank loading screen.
All One Bank’s top right menu button.
opening of deposit and withdrawal accounts
All One Financial Instruments Mall
NH1934 Preferred Bank Account > Apply
1. All One Bank App Loading Screen
If you install and run the All One Bank app on Google Market, you can see the loading screen as above.After the initialization process, enter the All One Bank home screen.

2. All One Bank Top Right Menu Button
Enter the home screen and press the menu button with 3 horizontal lines in the upper right corner.


3. Open a deposit and withdrawal account
You can enter the product menu and view the deposit and withdrawal account opening menu.Select “Open a deposit and withdrawal account.”You can also see other menus such as deposit, loan, deposit subscription product talk, etc.There are also menus related to payment/foreign exchange/ utility bills.

4. Select All One Financial Instruments Mall Account
Enter the All-One Financial Products Mall screen.You can see the bankbook provided by NH Nonghyup.NH Paymoa bankbook, NH stock trading preferential bankbook, NH1934 preferential bankbook, etc.You can see bankbooks with different conditions.We will proceed by selecting the NH1934 preferential account with the highest interest rate of 3.00%.

5.NH1934 Preferred Bank Account > Apply
You can see the introduction of a specialized bankbook between the ages of 19 and 34.Interest rates are up to 3.00%, the period is unlimited, and the accumulation method is free deposit and withdrawal.You can check the conditions and press the “Apply” button to proceed.



We looked into the procedure for opening a non-face-to-face account with NH Nonghyup.It can be seen as a screen that can be easily made by the elderly.