만 나이 계산기 million age calculator

Our age is calculated differently from other countries, and there are many ways to calculate our age, so we went to the same grade, but when we look at the date of birth, we often find ourselves in a situation where we are younger or older. As one of President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol’s promises this time, he will unify the legal and social age calculation method based on age, attracting many people’s attention. I will guide you on how to calculate your current age if you calculate it by your age.

How to calculate age in Korea

만 나이 계산기

◼︎ Korean age

– This is the age at which you are one year old from birth and one year is added to the next year.

So, if you were born on December 31st, you will turn 1 year old, and one day later, on January 1st, you will be 1 year old and become 2 years old.

◼︎ Kite Age

– The age related to the law is calculated by subtracting the year of birth from the current year. 만 나이 계산기

◼︎ full age 좋은뉴스

– If you are born at the internationally accepted age, you are 0 years old, and one year after you were born, one year is added.

In this way, there are three methods of calculating age in Korea, and there is a case of confusion by applying different age calculation methods in various fields.

Although it is the promise of President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol, there is a petition to unify the age calculation by age, so many people seem to think that there is a problem with the age calculation.

The reason why there is a saying that the so-called genealogy of early birth is twisted is because there are various methods of calculating age in Korea.

Although not now, 10 years ago, children born from March 1 to the end of February, depending on their age, entered school together, based on the date they enter school on March 1, depending on their age. Some people calculate their age based on the year they were born, and some people calculate their age based on the year they were born.

However, if the age is introduced, it is usually about two years younger, but I don’t think everyone will hate it when they say that they are getting younger.

Your age is calculated according to your date of birth, so you can calculate your exact age with this calculator

million age calculator

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・ Voting allowed: 18 years of age or older

・Available to obtain a driver’s license: 18 years of age or older

・ Part-time work and employment possible: 18 years of age or older

・ Movies not allowed for viewing by teenagers: 18 years of age or older, excluding high school students)

・Can join the military: 18 years of age or older

・ 9th grade civil servants can apply: 18 years of age or older

・ Working holiday application available: 18 years old or older – 30 years old

Please try calculating your current age with a young age calculator.