당근마켓 동네인증 Carrot Market Neighborhood Certification

There are some things I don’t need from things I’ve been using or things I’ve been given as gifts. They are sold through second-hand websites. The most commonly used second-hand trading sites are Jungjungnara, Lightning Market, and Carrot Market. Recently, I mainly use the carrot market. In Carrot Market, you can check the products sold in the vicinity by verifying the neighborhood. You can also register keywords to receive notifications when items you want to purchase are registered. Learn about the carrot market neighborhood authentication kiwid notification.

Carrot Market Neighborhood Certification

Carrot Market Neighborhood Authentication Keyword Setting 당근마켓 동네인증

carrot market 좋은뉴스

Carrot Market is an abbreviation for ‘a market near you’. Now, we are not only providing direct transactions, but also providing services that can solve a variety of tasks. The logo of Carrot Market is a location-based service, so it is said that the image of a carrot is combined with a location-shaped icon.

당근마켓 동네인증

Carrot Market Neighborhood Certification
Carrot Market Neighborhood Certification
As it is said in the sense of a market near you, since it is a location-based service, you need to authenticate your neighborhood. Neighborhood verification is not difficult. If you enter ‘My Carrot’ at the bottom of the Carrot Market app, the above screen appears. Among them, click Authenticate Your Neighborhood.

Carrot Market Neighborhood Certification
If you go to verify your neighborhood, your location will appear immediately. If the location is different from the previously authenticated location, you will be informed that the location is different from the current location. Then click Change Neighborhood to Current Location. Then you can see the items for sale around you.

If local authentication is not available
If the local authentication fails, it is the case that the mobile phone does not approve the location information. Just go into your phone settings and make sure location access is enabled. And even if location information is turned on, there are cases where the mobile phone does not recognize the current location. You can change seats and receive the location again. As shown in the photo above, if the current location and the previously authenticated neighborhood location are different, neighborhood authentication is not possible. If you want to change to your current location, change the neighborhood to your current location.

Carrot Market Keyword Alert Settings

If you use the carrot market, things you need may come up. In that case, if you set the Kiwid notification settings, you can receive notifications of items that have just been uploaded. If you enter the My Carrot menu in the Carrot Market app, there are neighborhood authentication and keyword notifications. Just go to the keyword notification and enter the keyword of the item you want to find. Then, it notifies you of nearby products as a notification. You can buy it at a reasonable price.



However, as the carrot market is active, there are some who sell it professionally. What I want to buy is the Dyson Air Lab, set in Kiwid. Then, there are people who change towns 3 to 5 times a day or more. When this happens, the notification sound is very annoying. If you want to block these specialized sellers, click the three dots at the top of the item and the above guide will appear. It’s a blocked seller, so you can see this user’s posts again. Just click Don’t see this user’s posts. You will not be able to see previously uploaded items. Of course, you may not receive notifications for future items as well.

It is good to reduce unnecessary items through carrot market or second-hand trading sites for items that are too precious to just throw away. It’s good when it’s used well and it’s sold second-hand. However, when it comes to second-hand transactions, most of the cases are sold at a lower price than the initial purchase price, so it seems that you are careful when purchasing items. It will make you think again if you really need it or where you will use it. I hope you will lead a wise consumer life.