농협 체크카드 발급 FAQ related to Nonghyup Check Card (Frequently Asked Questions)

A complete guide on how to cancel your Nonghyup check card (without any regrets!)
If you are using your Nonghyup check card and no longer want to use it or want to change to another check card, you must cancel the card through the cancellation procedure. However, there are things to be aware of when canceling your Nonghyup check card, and you must check them thoroughly to cancel without regret.

In this article, we will guide you step by step on how to cancel your Nonghyup check card and provide detailed information on what you need to check before and after cancellation.

농협 체크카드 발급

1. Things to check before termination 이베이스매뉴얼

Before canceling your Nonghyup check card, you must carefully check the following: 농협 체크카드 발급

Check balance: Check if the card balance is 0 won. If you have any remaining balance, you must withdraw it or transfer it to another account before cancellation.
Cancellation of automatic transfer: If you have set up automatic transfer on your Nonghyup check card, you must cancel all such automatic transfers before cancellation. If you do not cancel automatic transfer, the amount may be automatically withdrawn even after cancellation.
Check discount benefits: Check if there are any discount benefits you were receiving through your Nonghyup check card (e.g. Nonghyup Mart discount, housing loan discount, etc.). If you can no longer receive the benefits due to cancellation of your Nonghyup check card, you must reconsider whether to maintain the benefits.
Check card usage history: Check the usage history of your Nonghyup check card to make sure there are no charges that may occur even after cancellation. If there are any outstanding balances, they must be paid in full before cancellation.
2. How to cancel Nonghyup check card

You can cancel your Nonghyup check card in the following ways.

2.1 Internet cancellation

Log in to the Nonghyup website ([invalid URL deleted].
Select the “Personal” > “Account/Card” > “Check Card” menu.
Select the check card you want to cancel and click the “Cancel” button.
Select the reason for cancellation and complete the cancellation request.
2.2 Cancellation of mobile app

Launch the Nonghyup Members app.
Select the “Finance” > “Card” > “Check Card” menu.
Select the check card you want to cancel and click the “Cancel” button.
Select the reason for cancellation and complete the cancellation request.
2.3 Visit to Nonghyup branch

You can visit the nearest Nonghyup branch and ask an employee to cancel your Nonghyup check card. You must bring identification documents (resident registration card, driver’s license, etc.).

3. Precautions after termination

When canceling your Nonghyup check card, you must keep the following in mind:

Card damage: After applying for cancellation, you must take measures to prevent the card from being used by damaging it.
Customer Center Inquiry: If you have any questions regarding the Nonghyup Check Card even after cancellation, you can contact the Nonghyup Customer Center.
4. Additional information

There is no fee when canceling your Nonghyup check card.
Even after canceling your Nonghyup check card, your Nonghyup membership will be maintained.
If you have any questions regarding the Nonghyup Check Card, please contact the Nonghyup website or customer service center for assistance.